Classes | Skills
- • Data Structures
- • Algorithms
- • Design & Cloud Patterns
- • Operating Systems
- • Theory of ML
- • Intro. Data Science
- • Procedual & OOP in C++
- • Machine Learning
- • AI Tools
- • Security & Networking
- • Communication
- • Collaboration & Teamwork
- • Continuous Learning
- • Adaptability
Tools | Languages | Libraries | Frameworks
- • Java
- • Python
- • Typescript
- • Javascript
- • C/C++
- • Unit Testing
- • Git
- • Scrum
- • Scikitlearn
- • Tensorflow
- • NumPy, Pandas & Matplotlib
- • Super Computer (ROSIE)
- • Enterprise Architect (UML)
Trump for Stock Prediction
Predicting stock market prices through sentiment analysis of Trump's tweets.
Python - TextBlob - DNN - Linear Regression - Data Analysis
DeepFake Detection
Detecting a deepfake in videos using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
Python - Keras - CNN - OpenCV - Scikitlearn - Tensorflow - JSON
Bird Classification
Using data science techniques to conduct analysis of bird bone types in relation to their habitat.
Python - Scipy - Statistical Analysis - Data Cleaning & Visualization
NY-Times Wordle Clone
Developed a fullstack wordle game in a team using an agile software development process.
React - Spring Boot - Typescript - Java - NodeJS - Scrum - Bluepeint
Japanese Character Recog.
Comparing the performance of DNN and CNN for the recognition of Japanese characters.
DNN - CNN - Python - Keras - data preprocessing - Tensorflow
Deep Learning Fundamentals
Stock prediction using Trump's tweets
Python - TextBlob - DNN - Linear Regression - Data Analysis
Milwaukee Tour
Implementing a travel game using the Observer Pattern.
Java - Observer Patter - JavaFX - UML - Object Oriented Design
Process simulator
Process simulator with pipes
Linux - Python - Pipes - Linear Regression - Data Analysis
Logistic Regression
Stock prediction using Trump's tweets
Python - TextBlob - DNN - Linear Regression - Data Analysis